
Dolby Atmos Mixing

With Dolby Atmos, sound can be placed and moved in three-dimensional space, allowing for a more realistic and dynamic audio experience. It provides a more accurate and precise placement of sounds, enabling filmmakers and sound engineers to create a more engaging and lifelike audio experience. Dolby Atmos mixing is commonly used in the film, gaming, and music industries to create a more engaging and immersive audio experience for the audience.

Dolby Atmos Studio

Trusted by leading global companies 48+ customers in 9+ countries

Benefits of Dolby Atmos mixes

Elevate audio experience with the innovative technology that provides a realistic
and immersive listening experience through 3D sound placement.

Object -based mixing

With object-based mixing, each audio element is assigned its own position in a three-dimensional space, allowing mixer to adjust the volume, panning, and spatial positioning of each object independently. This can allow for greater control over the overall sound of the mix and can also facilitate immersive audio experiences.

Object-based mixing is often used in film and television sound production, as well as in music production, and it is becoming increasingly popular as technology advances and allows for more precise and flexible manipulation of audio elements.


Dolby Renderer

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